PhpStorm has a zero-configuration feature for Xdebug and with MAMP Pro it seems to work nicely out-of-the-box, so you should be able to accept its settings and then continue on with your setup. PHP Xdebug must be configured and enabled in PHP itself Your IDE/editor must be configured and requires a way talk to PHP. The steps you need to do are the following: If your brand new php installation doesn't contain php.ini, rename the php.ini-development to php.ini Install xdebug with help of the wizard: Follow its recommendations literally. Now it will be available to call back to our IDE on port 9000 when it receives a HTTP request.

ddev xdebug status will show Xdebug’s current status. Disable Xdebug for better performance when not debugging with ddev xdebug off. It will remain enabled until you start or restart the project. This enables Xdebug so it is running as a PHP extension. Enable Xdebug by running ddev xdebug or ddev xdebug on from your project directory.

name: drupal10 recipe: drupal10 config: webroot: web services: appserver: xdebug: develop,debug overrides: environment: Support debugging CLI with XDEBUG. First, we have to switch to Expert View to reveal some additional settings. Enable the XDEBUGSESSIONSTART line, if you want to start a Xdebug session every time Lando starts.To enable Xdebug in MAMP Pro, we need to access the PHP settings via the MAMP Pro app. Xdebug runs via MAMP Pro, as a PHP extension, so the first we need to do is enable Xdebug in our MAMP Pro configuration.
For this video we are going to learn how to set up Xdebug with PhpStorm running a local server on MAMP Pro.